3. rilevazione temperatura dei soldati della caserma %e2%80%9cmario fiore%e2%80%9d

The MNCG against COVID-19

Motta di Livenza, 2020 May 12th 

During the pandemic period, we have been used to watch on TV many scenes of exhausted doctors, slumped on desks; doctors showing the red marks left by the masks on their faces, always facing the epidemic on the front line, in a "war" that brought the Italian health system into a very hard period. In this context, there have been many and varied supports that the Italian Army has provided to the country system and in particular from hospital, care, medical and nursing point of view. From medical to logistical personnel, from technical to sanitization, the Armed Force has made its substantial contribution to fighting and winning the battle against Coronavirus.

The Multinational CIMIC Group has been working since the first moments of the emergency, preparing logistical structures ready to move in a very short period of time, contributing with means and materials to support soldiers engaged in the transport of the bodies in the hardest moments, guaranteeing trucks for any eventuality to Civil Protection, organizing a blood donation in coordination with the local blood volunteer association and not least moving a medical officer to one of the Italian areas most affected by the pandemic, Piemonte, in this case in the COVID Department of the Hospital of Salluzzo (Cuneo). The CIMIC (civil-military cooperation) Operators, not only continue to operate incessantly abroad, from the Balkans to the Middle East, but also have responded with courage and readiness to the needs came out by an unparalleled emergency in recent decades. 

"... The Multinational CIMIC Group, led by Colonel Luca Vitali, confirms, for all intents and purposes, to be a unit in support of the population and always in continuous cooperation with local and national authorities for the collective benefits... We are proud of its presence in our territory!", said the Councillor Pierpaolo Tonon of Motta di Livenza Municipality.


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